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988 lines
File: ATA.p
Contains: ATA (PC/AT Attachment) Interfaces
Version: Technology: System 7.5
Release: Universal Interfaces 3.0d3 on Copland DR1
Copyright: © 1984-1996 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
Bugs?: If you find a problem with this file, send the file and version
information (from above) and the problem description to:
Internet: apple.bugs@applelink.apple.com
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingIncludes}
{$SETC UsingIncludes := 0}
{$IFC NOT UsingIncludes}
{$SETC __ATA__ := 1}
{$SETC ATAIncludes := UsingIncludes}
{$SETC UsingIncludes := 1}
{$I Types.p}
{$I MixedMode.p}
{ This is the structure used for the AT Interface core routines below }
kATATrap = $AAF1; { Manager trap number <This should be defined in Traps.h> }
kATAPBVers1 = $01; { parameter block version number 1 }
kATAPBVers2 = $02; { parameter block version number for structures }
kATAPBVers3 = $03; { parameter block version for ATA times }
kATADefaultBlockSize = 512; { default block size }
{ Used to determine the presence of traps }
kFSMTrap = $AC;
mDQEChanged = 1; { DQE has changed }
{ Task file definition *** Error Register *** }
bATABadBlock = 7; { bit number of bad block error bit }
bATAUncorrectable = 6; { bit number of uncorrectable error bit }
bATAMediaChanged = 5; { bit number of media changed indicator }
bATAIDNotFound = 4; { bit number of ID not found error bit }
bATAMediaChangeReq = 3; { bit number of media changed request }
bATACommandAborted = 2; { bit number of command abort bit }
bATATrack0NotFound = 1; { bit number of track not found }
bATAAddressNotFound = 0; { bit number of address mark not found }
mATABadBlock = $80; { Bad Block Detected }
mATAUncorrectable = $40; { Uncorrectable Data Error }
mATAMediaChanged = $20; { Media Changed Indicator (for removable) }
mATAIDNotFound = $10; { ID Not Found }
mATAMediaChangeReq = $08; { Media Change Requested (NOT IMPLEMENTED) }
mATACommandAborted = $04; { Aborted Command }
mATATrack0NotFound = $02; { Track 0 Not Found }
mATAAddressNotFound = $01; { Address Mark Not Found }
{ Task file definition *** ataTFSDH Register *** }
mATAHeadNumber = $0F; { Head Number (bits 0-3) }
mATASectorSize = $A0; { bit 7=1; bit 5 = 01 (512 sector size) <DP4> }
mATADriveSelect = $10; { Drive (0 = master, 1 = slave) }
mATALBASelect = $40; { LBA mode bit (0 = chs, 1 = LBA) }
{ Task file definition *** Status Register *** }
bATABusy = 7; { bit number of BSY bit }
bATADriveReady = 6; { bit number of drive ready bit }
bATAWriteFault = 5; { bit number of write fault bit }
bATASeekComplete = 4; { bit number of seek complete bit }
bATADataRequest = 3; { bit number of data request bit }
bATADataCorrected = 2; { bit number of data corrected bit }
bATAIndex = 1; { bit number of index mark }
bATAError = 0; { bit number of error bit }
mATABusy = $80; { Unit is busy }
mATADriveReady = $40; { Unit is ready }
mATAWriteFault = $20; { Unit has a write fault condition }
mATASeekComplete = $10; { Unit seek complete }
mATADataRequest = $08; { Unit data request }
mATADataCorrected = $04; { Data corrected }
mATAIndex = $02; { Index mark - NOT USED }
mATAError = $01; { Error condition - see error register }
{ ATA Command Opcode definition }
kATAcmdWORetry = $01; { Without I/O retry option }
kATAcmdNOP = $0000; { NOP operation - media detect }
kATAcmdRecal = $0010; { Recalibrate command }
kATAcmdRead = $0020; { Read command }
kATAcmdReadLong = $0022; { Read Long command }
kATAcmdWrite = $0030; { Write command }
kATAcmdWriteLong = $0032; { Write Long }
kATAcmdReadVerify = $0040; { Read Verify command }
kATAcmdFormatTrack = $0050; { Format Track command }
kATAcmdSeek = $0070; { Seek command }
kATAcmdDiagnostic = $0090; { Drive Diagnostic command }
kATAcmdInitDrive = $0091; { Init drive parameters command }
kATAcmdReadMultiple = $00C4; { Read multiple }
kATAcmdWriteMultiple = $00C5; { Write multiple }
kATAcmdSetRWMultiple = $00C6; { Set Multiple for Read/Write Multiple }
kATAcmdReadDMA = $00C8; { Read DMA (with retries) }
kATAcmdWriteDMA = $00CA; { Write DMA (with retries) }
kATAcmdMCAcknowledge = $00DB; { Acknowledge media change - removable }
kATAcmdStandbyImmed = $00E0; { Standby Immediate }
kATAcmdIdleImmed = $00E1; { Idle Immediate }
kATAcmdStandby = $00E2; { Standby }
kATAcmdIdle = $00E3; { Idle }
kATAcmdReadBuffer = $00E4; { Read sector buffer command }
kATAcmdCheckPowerMode = $00E5; { Check power mode command <04/04/94> }
kATAcmdSleep = $00E6; { Sleep }
kATAcmdWriteBuffer = $00E8; { Write sector buffer command }
kATAcmdDriveIdentify = $00EC; { Identify Drive command }
kATAcmdSetFeatures = $00EF; { Set Features }
{ Set feature command opcodes }
kATAEnableWriteCache = $02; { Enable write cache }
kATASetTransferMode = $03; { Set transfer mode }
kATASetPIOMode = $08; { PIO Flow Control Tx Mode bit }
kATAEnableECC = $88; { ECC enable }
kATAEnableRetry = $99; { Retry enable }
kATAEnableReadAhead = $AA; { Read look-ahead enable }
{ Device Register Images (8 bytes) }
ataTaskFilePtr = ^ataTaskFile;
ataTaskFile = RECORD
ataTFFeatures: SInt8; { <-> Error(R) or ataTFFeatures(W) register image }
ataTFCount: SInt8; { <-> Sector count/remaining }
ataTFSector: SInt8; { <-> Sector start/finish }
ataTFReserved: SInt8; { reserved }
ataTFCylinder: UInt16; { <-> ataTFCylinder (Big endian) }
ataTFSDH: SInt8; { <-> ataTFSDH register image }
ataTFCommand: SInt8; { <-> Status(R) or Command(W) register image }
{ ATA Manager Function Code Definition }
kATAMgrNOP = $00; { No Operation }
kATAMgrExecIO = $01; { Execute ATA I/O }
kATAMgrBusInquiry = $03; { Bus Inquiry }
kATAMgrQRelease = $04; { I/O Queue Release }
kATAMgrAbort = $10; { Abort command }
kATAMgrBusReset = $11; { Reset ATA bus }
kATAMgrRegAccess = $12; { Register Access }
kATAMgrDriveIdentify = $13; { Drive Identify <DP03/10/94> }
kATAMgrDriverLoad = $82; { Load driver from either Media, ROM, etc. }
kATAMgrDriveRegister = $85; { Register a driver <4/18/94> }
kATAMgrFindDriverRefnum = $86; { lookup a driver refnum <4/18/94> }
kATAMgrRemoveDriverRefnum = $87; { De-register a driver <4/18/94> }
kATAMgrModifyEventMask = $88; { Modify driver event mask }
kATAMgrDriveEject = $89; { Eject the drive <8/1/94> }
kATAMgrGetDrvConfiguration = $8A; { Get device configuration <8/6/94> }
kATAMgrSetDrvConfiguration = $8B; { Set device configuration <8/6/94> }
kATAMgrGetLocationIcon = $8C; { Get card location icon <SM4> }
kATAMgrManagerInquiry = $90; { Manager Inquiry }
kATAMgrManagerInit = $91; { Manager initialization }
kATAMgrManagerShutdown = $92; { Manager ShutDown }
{ 'ATAFlags' field of the PB header definition }
bATAFlagUseConfigSpeed = 15; { bit number of use default speed flag }
bATAFlagByteSwap = 14; { bit number of byte swap flag }
bATAFlagIORead = 13; { bit number of I/O read flag }
bATAFlagIOWrite = 12; { bit number of I/O write flag }
bATAFlagImmediate = 11; { bit number of immediate flag }
bATAFlagQLock = 10; { bit number of que lock on error }
bATAFlagScatterGather1 = 9; { bit number of scatter gather }
bATAFlagScatterGather0 = 8; { bit numbers of scatter gather }
bATAFlagUseDMA = 7; { bit number of use DMA flag }
bATAFlagProtocol1 = 5; { bit number of scatter gather }
bATAFlagProtocol0 = 4; { bit numbers of protocol specifier }
bATAFlagTFRead = 3; { bit number of register update }
bATAFlagLEDEnable = 0; { bit number of LED enable }
mATAFlagUseConfigSpeed = $8000;
mATAFlagByteSwap = $4000; { Swap data bytes (read - after; write - before) }
mATAFlagIORead = $2000; { Read (in) operation }
mATAFlagIOWrite = $1000; { Write (out) operation }
mATAFlagImmediate = $0800; { Head of Que; Immediate operation }
mATAFlagQLock = $0400; { Manager queue lock on error (freeze the queue) }
mATAFlagScatterGather1 = $0200;
mATAFlagScatterGather0 = $0100; { Scatter gather enable }
mATAFlagScatterGathers = $0300; { host scatter gather type = currently type 1 supported }
mATAFlagUseDMA = $80;
mATAFlagProtocol1 = $20; { ATAPI protocol indicator <06/15/94> }
mATAFlagProtocol0 = $10; { PCMCIA protocol indicator <06/15/94> }
mATAFlagProtocols = $30; { mask for protocol type field <06/15/94> }
mATAFlagTFRead = $08; { update reg block request upon detection of an error }
mATAFlagLEDEnable = $01; { socket LED enable }
{ Parameter block header definition - common for all PBs (48 bytes) }
ataPBHeaderPtr = ^ataPBHeader;
ataPBHeader = RECORD
{ Start of cloned common header ataPBHdr }
ataPBLink: ataPBHeaderPtr; { a pointer to the next entry in the queue }
ataPBQType: UInt16; { type byte for safety check }
ataPBVers: SInt8; { -->: parameter block version number }
ataPBReserved: SInt8; { Reserved }
ataPBReserved2: Ptr; { Reserved }
ataPBCallbackPtr: ProcPtr; { -->: Completion Routine Pointer }
ataPBResult: OSErr; { <--: Returned result }
ataPBFunctionCode: SInt8; { -->: Manager Function Code }
ataPBIOSpeed: SInt8; { -->: I/O Timing Class }
ataPBFlags: UInt16; { -->: Various control options }
ataPBReserved3: SInt16; { Reserved }
ataPBDeviceID: UInt32; { -->: Device identifier }
ataPBTimeOut: UInt32; { -->: Transaction timeout value in msec }
ataPBClientPtr1: Ptr; { Client's storage Ptr 1 }
ataPBClientPtr2: Ptr; { Client's storage Ptr 2 }
ataPBState: UInt16; { Reserved for Manager; Initialize to 0 }
ataPBSemaphores: UInt16; { Used internally by the manager }
ataPBReserved4: SInt32; { Reserved }
{ End of cloned common header ataPBHdr }
{ data request entry structure (16 bytes) }
IOBlockPtr = ^IOBlock;
ataPBBuffer: Ptr; { -->: Data buffer pointer }
ataPBByteCount: UInt32; { -->: Data transfer length in bytes }
For ATAPI devices the ExtendedPB field is a pointer to the Command Packet
record which exists of an array of words structured as follows... <06/15/94>
ATAPICmdPacketPtr = ^ATAPICmdPacket;
atapiPacketSize: SInt16; { Size of command packet in bytes <06/15/94> }
atapiCommandByte: ARRAY [0..7] OF SInt16; { The command packet itself <06/15/94> }
{ Manager parameter block structure (96 bytes) }
ataIOPBPtr = ^ataIOPB;
{ Start of cloned common header ataPBHdr }
ataPBLink: ataPBHeaderPtr; { a pointer to the next entry in the queue }
ataPBQType: UInt16; { type byte for safety check }
ataPBVers: SInt8; { -->: parameter block version number; Must be 0x01 }
ataPBReserved: SInt8; { Reserved }
ataPBReserved2: Ptr; { Reserved }
ataPBCallbackPtr: ProcPtr; { -->: Completion Routine Pointer }
ataPBResult: OSErr; { <--: Returned result }
ataPBFunctionCode: SInt8; { -->: Manager Function Code }
ataPBIOSpeed: SInt8; { -->: I/O Timing Class }
ataPBFlags: UInt16; { -->: Various control options }
ataPBReserved3: SInt16; { Reserved }
ataPBDeviceID: UInt32; { -->: Device identifier }
ataPBTimeOut: UInt32; { -->: Transaction timeout value in msec }
ataPBClientPtr1: Ptr; { Client's storage Ptr 1 }
ataPBClientPtr2: Ptr; { Client's storage Ptr 2 }
ataPBState: UInt16; { Reserved for Manager; Initialize to 0 }
ataPBSemaphores: UInt16; { Used internally by the manager }
ataPBReserved4: SInt32; { Reserved }
{ End of cloned common header ataPBHdr }
ataPBStatusRegister: SInt8; { <--: Last ATA status image }
ataPBErrorRegister: SInt8; { <--: Last ATA error image-valid if lsb of Status set }
ataPBReserved5: SInt16; { Reserved }
ataPBLogicalBlockSize: UInt32; { -->: Blind transfer size per interrupt (Logical block size) }
ataPBBuffer: Ptr; { -->: Data buffer pointer }
ataPBByteCount: UInt32; { -->: Data transfer length in bytes }
ataPBActualTxCount: UInt32; { <--: Actual transfer count }
ataPBReserved6: UInt32; { Reserved }
ataPBTaskFile: ataTaskFile; { <->: Device register images }
ataPBPacketPtr: ATAPICmdPacketPtr; { -->: ATAPI packet command block pointer (valid with ATAPI bit set) }
ataPBReserved7: ARRAY [0..5] OF SInt16; { Reserved for future expansion }
Parameter block structure for bus and Manager inquiry command
Manager parameter block structure
ataBusInquiryPtr = ^ataBusInquiry;
ataBusInquiry = RECORD
{ Start of cloned common header ataPBHdr }
ataPBLink: ataPBHeaderPtr; { a pointer to the next entry in the queue }
ataPBQType: UInt16; { type byte for safety check }
ataPBVers: SInt8; { -->: parameter block version number; Must be 0x01 }
ataPBReserved: SInt8; { Reserved }
ataPBReserved2: Ptr; { Reserved }
ataPBCallbackPtr: ProcPtr; { -->: Completion Routine Pointer }
ataPBResult: OSErr; { <--: Returned result }
ataPBFunctionCode: SInt8; { -->: Manager Function Code }
ataPBIOSpeed: SInt8; { -->: I/O Timing Class }
ataPBFlags: UInt16; { -->: Various control options }
ataPBReserved3: SInt16; { Reserved }
ataPBDeviceID: UInt32; { -->: Device identifier }
ataPBTimeOut: UInt32; { -->: Transaction timeout value in msec }
ataPBClientPtr1: Ptr; { Client's storage Ptr 1 }
ataPBClientPtr2: Ptr; { Client's storage Ptr 2 }
ataPBState: UInt16; { Reserved for Manager; Initialize to 0 }
ataPBSemaphores: UInt16; { Used internally by the manager }
ataPBReserved4: SInt32; { Reserved }
{ End of cloned common header ataPBHdr }
ataEngineCount: UInt16; { <--: TBD; zero for now }
ataPBReserved5: UInt16; { Reserved }
ataDataTypes: UInt32; { <--: TBD; zero for now }
ataIOpbSize: UInt16; { <--: Size of ATA IO PB }
ataMaxIOpbSize: UInt16; { <--: TBD; zero for now }
ataFeatureFlags: UInt32; { <--: TBD }
ataVersionNum: SInt8; { <--: Version number for the HBA }
ataHBAInquiry: SInt8; { <--: TBD; zero for now }
ataPBReserved6: UInt16; { Reserved }
ataHBAPrivPtr: UInt32; { <--: Ptr to HBA private data area }
ataHBAPrivSize: UInt32; { <--: Size of HBA private data area }
ataAsyncFlags: UInt32; { <--: Event capability for callback }
ataPBReserved7: ARRAY [0..3] OF UInt32; { Reserved }
ataReserved4: UInt32; { Reserved }
ataReserved5: ARRAY [0..15] OF SInt8; { TBD }
ataHBAVendor: ARRAY [0..15] OF SInt8; { <--: Vendor ID of the HBA }
ataContrlFamily: ARRAY [0..15] OF SInt8; { <--: Family of ATA Controller }
ataContrlType: ARRAY [0..15] OF SInt8; { <--: Model number of controller }
ataXPTversion: ARRAY [0..3] OF SInt8; { <--: version number of XPT }
ataResrved6: ARRAY [0..3] OF SInt8; { Reserved }
ataHBAversion: ARRAY [0..3] OF SInt8; { <--: version number of HBA }
ataHBAslotType: SInt8; { <--: type of slot }
ataHBAslotNum: SInt8; { <--: slot number of the HBA }
ataReserved7: UInt16; { Reserved }
ataReserved8: UInt32; { Reserved }
{ Manager parameter block structure }
ataMgrInquiryPtr = ^ataMgrInquiry;
ataMgrInquiry = RECORD
{ Start of cloned common header ataPBHdr }
ataPBLink: ataPBHeaderPtr; { a pointer to the next entry in the queue }
ataPBQType: UInt16; { type byte for safety check }
ataPBVers: SInt8; { -->: parameter block version number; Must be 0x01 }
ataPBReserved: SInt8; { Reserved }
ataPBReserved2: Ptr; { Reserved }
ataPBCallbackPtr: ProcPtr; { -->: Completion Routine Pointer }
ataPBResult: OSErr; { <--: Returned result }
ataPBFunctionCode: SInt8; { -->: Manager Function Code }
ataPBIOSpeed: SInt8; { -->: I/O Timing Class }
ataPBFlags: UInt16; { -->: Various control options }
ataPBReserved3: SInt16; { Reserved }
ataPBDeviceID: UInt32; { -->: Device identifier }
ataPBTimeOut: UInt32; { -->: Transaction timeout value in msec }
ataPBClientPtr1: Ptr; { Client's storage Ptr 1 }
ataPBClientPtr2: Ptr; { Client's storage Ptr 2 }
ataPBState: UInt16; { Reserved for Manager; Initialize to 0 }
ataPBSemaphores: UInt16; { Used internally by the manager }
ataPBReserved4: SInt32; { Reserved }
{ End of cloned common header ataPBHdr }
ataMgrVersion: NumVersion; { Manager Version information }
ataMgrPBVers: SInt8; { <--: Manager PB version number supported }
Reserved1: SInt8; { Reserved }
ataBusCnt: UInt16; { <--: Number of ATA buses in the system }
ataDevCnt: UInt16; { <--: Total number of ATA devices detected }
ataPioModes: SInt8; { <--: Maximum Programmed I/O speed mode supported }
Reserved2: SInt8; { Reserved }
ataIOClkResolution: UInt16; { <--: IO Clock resolution in nsec (Not supported) }
ataSingleDMAModes: SInt8; { <--: Single Word DMA modes supported }
ataMultiDMAModes: SInt8; { <--: Multiword DMA modes supported }
Reserved: ARRAY [0..15] OF SInt16; { Reserved for future expansion }
Parameter block structure for Abort command
Manager parameter block structure
ataAbortPtr = ^ataAbort;
ataAbort = RECORD
{ Start of cloned common header ataPBHdr }
ataPBLink: ataPBHeaderPtr; { a pointer to the next entry in the queue }
ataPBQType: UInt16; { type byte for safety check }
ataPBVers: SInt8; { -->: parameter block version number; Must be 0x01 }
ataPBReserved: SInt8; { Reserved }
ataPBReserved2: Ptr; { Reserved }
ataPBCallbackPtr: ProcPtr; { -->: Completion Routine Pointer }
ataPBResult: OSErr; { <--: Returned result }
ataPBFunctionCode: SInt8; { -->: Manager Function Code }
ataPBIOSpeed: SInt8; { -->: I/O Timing Class }
ataPBFlags: UInt16; { -->: Various control options }
ataPBReserved3: SInt16; { Reserved }
ataPBDeviceID: UInt32; { -->: Device identifier }
ataPBTimeOut: UInt32; { -->: Transaction timeout value in msec }
ataPBClientPtr1: Ptr; { Client's storage Ptr 1 }
ataPBClientPtr2: Ptr; { Client's storage Ptr 2 }
ataPBState: UInt16; { Reserved for Manager; Initialize to 0 }
ataPBSemaphores: UInt16; { Used internally by the manager }
ataPBReserved4: SInt32; { Reserved }
{ End of cloned common header ataPBHdr }
ataAbortPB: ataIOPBPtr; { -->: Parameter block to be aborted }
Reserved: ARRAY [0..21] OF SInt16; { Reserved for future expansion }
{ Manager parameter block structure }
ATAEventRecPtr = ^ATAEventRec;
ataEventCode: UInt16; { --> ATA event code }
ataPhysicalID: UInt16; { --> Physical drive reference }
ataDrvrContext: SInt32; { Context pointer saved by driver }
ATAClientProcPtr = ProcPtr; { FUNCTION ATAClient(ataERPtr: ATAEventRecPtr): SInt16; }
ATAClientUPP = UniversalProcPtr;
uppATAClientProcInfo = $000000E0;
FUNCTION NewATAClientProc(userRoutine: ATAClientProcPtr): ATAClientUPP;
FUNCTION CallATAClientProc(ataERPtr: ATAEventRecPtr; userRoutine: ATAClientUPP): SInt16;
INLINE $205F, $4E90;
Parameter block structure for Driver Register command
Manager parameter block structure
ataDrvrRegisterPtr = ^ataDrvrRegister;
ataDrvrRegister = RECORD
{ Start of cloned common header ataPBHdr }
ataPBLink: ataPBHeaderPtr; { a pointer to the next entry in the queue }
ataPBQType: UInt16; { type byte for safety check }
ataPBVers: SInt8; { -->: parameter block version number; Must be 0x01 }
ataPBReserved: SInt8; { Reserved }
ataPBReserved2: Ptr; { Reserved }
ataPBCallbackPtr: ProcPtr; { -->: Completion Routine Pointer }
ataPBResult: OSErr; { <--: Returned result }
ataPBFunctionCode: SInt8; { -->: Manager Function Code }
ataPBIOSpeed: SInt8; { -->: I/O Timing Class }
ataPBFlags: UInt16; { -->: Various control options }
ataPBReserved3: SInt16; { Reserved }
ataPBDeviceID: UInt32; { -->: Device identifier }
ataPBTimeOut: UInt32; { -->: Transaction timeout value in msec }
ataPBClientPtr1: Ptr; { Client's storage Ptr 1 }
ataPBClientPtr2: Ptr; { Client's storage Ptr 2 }
ataPBState: UInt16; { Reserved for Manager; Initialize to 0 }
ataPBSemaphores: UInt16; { Used internally by the manager }
ataPBReserved4: SInt32; { Reserved }
{ End of cloned common header ataPBHdr }
ataDrvrRefNum: SInt16; { <->: Driver reference number }
ataDrvrFlags: UInt16; { -->: 1 = loader driver if ataPBDeviceID = -1 (PB2) }
ataDeviceNextID: UInt16; { <--: used to specified the next drive ID }
ataDrvrLoadPriv: SInt16; { Driver loader private storage }
ataEventHandler: ATAClientUPP; { <->: Pointer to ATA event callback routine (PB2) }
ataDrvrContext: SInt32; { <->: Context data saved by driver (PB2) }
ataEventMask: SInt32; { <->: Set to 1 for notification of event (PB2) }
Reserved: ARRAY [0..13] OF SInt16; { Reserved for future expansion - from [21] (PB2) }
{ Parameter block structure for Modify driver event mask command }
ataModifyEventMaskPtr = ^ataModifyEventMask;
ataModifyEventMask = RECORD
{ Start of cloned common header ataPBHdr }
ataPBLink: ataPBHeaderPtr; { a pointer to the next entry in the queue }
ataPBQType: UInt16; { type byte for safety check }
ataPBVers: SInt8; { -->: parameter block version number; Must be 0x01 }
ataPBReserved: SInt8; { Reserved }
ataPBReserved2: Ptr; { Reserved }
ataPBCallbackPtr: ProcPtr; { -->: Completion Routine Pointer }
ataPBResult: OSErr; { <--: Returned result }
ataPBFunctionCode: SInt8; { -->: Manager Function Code }
ataPBIOSpeed: SInt8; { -->: I/O Timing Class }
ataPBFlags: UInt16; { -->: Various control options }
ataPBReserved3: SInt16; { Reserved }
ataPBDeviceID: UInt32; { -->: Device identifier }
ataPBTimeOut: UInt32; { -->: Transaction timeout value in msec }
ataPBClientPtr1: Ptr; { Client's storage Ptr 1 }
ataPBClientPtr2: Ptr; { Client's storage Ptr 2 }
ataPBState: UInt16; { Reserved for Manager; Initialize to 0 }
ataPBSemaphores: UInt16; { Used internally by the manager }
ataPBReserved4: SInt32; { Reserved }
{ End of cloned common header ataPBHdr }
ataModifiedEventMask: SInt32; { -->: new event mask value }
Reserved: ARRAY [0..21] OF SInt16; { Reserved for future expansion }
{ 'ataRegMask' field of the ataRegAccess definition }
bATAAltSDevCValid = 14; { bit number of alternate status/device cntrl valid bit }
bATAStatusCmdValid = 7; { bit number of status/command valid bit }
bATASDHValid = 6; { bit number of ataTFSDH valid bit }
bATACylinderHiValid = 5; { bit number of cylinder high valid bit }
bATACylinderLoValid = 4; { bit number of cylinder low valid bit }
bATASectorNumValid = 3; { bit number of sector number valid bit }
bATASectorCntValid = 2; { bit number of sector count valid bit }
bATAErrFeaturesValid = 1; { bit number of error/features valid bit }
bATADataValid = 0; { bit number of data valid bit }
mATAAltSDevCValid = $4000; { alternate status/device control valid }
mATAStatusCmdValid = $80; { status/command valid }
mATASDHValid = $40; { ataTFSDH valid }
mATACylinderHiValid = $20; { cylinder high valid }
mATACylinderLoValid = $10; { cylinder low valid }
mATASectorNumValid = $08; { sector number valid }
mATASectorCntValid = $04; { sector count valid }
mATAErrFeaturesValid = $02; { error/features valid }
mATADataValid = $01; { data valid }
{ Parameter block structure for device register access command }
ataRegValueUnionPtr = ^ataRegValueUnion;
ataRegValueUnion = RECORD
0: (
ataByteRegValue: SInt8; { <->: Byte register value read or to be written }
1: (
ataWordRegValue: UInt16; { <->: Word register value read or to be written }
{ Manager parameter block structure }
ataRegAccessPtr = ^ataRegAccess;
ataRegAccess = RECORD
{ Start of cloned common header ataPBHdr }
ataPBLink: ataPBHeaderPtr; { a pointer to the next entry in the queue }
ataPBQType: UInt16; { type byte for safety check }
ataPBVers: SInt8; { -->: parameter block version number; Must be 0x01 }
ataPBReserved: SInt8; { Reserved }
ataPBReserved2: Ptr; { Reserved }
ataPBCallbackPtr: ProcPtr; { -->: Completion Routine Pointer }
ataPBResult: OSErr; { <--: Returned result }
ataPBFunctionCode: SInt8; { -->: Manager Function Code }
ataPBIOSpeed: SInt8; { -->: I/O Timing Class }
ataPBFlags: UInt16; { -->: Various control options }
ataPBReserved3: SInt16; { Reserved }
ataPBDeviceID: UInt32; { -->: Device identifier }
ataPBTimeOut: UInt32; { -->: Transaction timeout value in msec }
ataPBClientPtr1: Ptr; { Client's storage Ptr 1 }
ataPBClientPtr2: Ptr; { Client's storage Ptr 2 }
ataPBState: UInt16; { Reserved for Manager; Initialize to 0 }
ataPBSemaphores: UInt16; { Used internally by the manager }
ataPBReserved4: SInt32; { Reserved }
{ End of cloned common header ataPBHdr }
ataRegSelect: UInt16; { -->: Device Register Selector }
{ DataReg 0 }
{ ErrorReg(R) or FeaturesReg(W) 1 }
{ SecCntReg 2 }
{ SecNumReg 3 }
{ CylLoReg 4 }
{ CylHiReg 5 }
{ SDHReg 6 }
{ StatusReg(R) or CmdReg(W) 7 }
{ AltStatus(R) or DevCntr(W) 0E }
ataRegValue: ataRegValueUnion;
{ Following fields are valid only if ataRegSelect = 0xFFFF }
ataRegMask: UInt16; { -->: mask for register(s) to update }
{ bit 0 : data register valid }
{ bit 1 : error/feaures register valid }
{ bit 2 : sector count register valid }
{ bit 3 : sector number register valid }
{ bit 4 : cylinder low register valid }
{ bit 5 : cylinder high register valid }
{ bit 6 : ataTFSDH register valid }
{ bit 7 : status/command register valid }
{ bits 8 - 13 : reserved (set to 0) }
{ bit 14: alternate status / device control reg valid }
{ bit 15: reserved (set to 0) }
ataRegisterImage: ataTaskFile; { <->: register images }
ataAltSDevCReg: SInt8; { <->: Alternate status(R) or Device Control(W) register image }
Reserved3: SInt8; { Reserved }
Reserved: ARRAY [0..15] OF SInt16; { Reserved for future expansion }
{ Manager parameter block structure <DP03/10/94> }
ataIdentifyPtr = ^ataIdentify;
ataIdentify = RECORD
{ Start of cloned common header ataPBHdr }
ataPBLink: ataPBHeaderPtr; { a pointer to the next entry in the queue }
ataPBQType: UInt16; { type byte for safety check }
ataPBVers: SInt8; { -->: parameter block version number; Must be 0x01 }
ataPBReserved: SInt8; { Reserved }
ataPBReserved2: Ptr; { Reserved }
ataPBCallbackPtr: ProcPtr; { -->: Completion Routine Pointer }
ataPBResult: OSErr; { <--: Returned result }
ataPBFunctionCode: SInt8; { -->: Manager Function Code }
ataPBIOSpeed: SInt8; { -->: I/O Timing Class }
ataPBFlags: UInt16; { -->: Various control options }
ataPBReserved3: SInt16; { Reserved }
ataPBDeviceID: UInt32; { -->: Device identifier }
ataPBTimeOut: UInt32; { -->: Transaction timeout value in msec }
ataPBClientPtr1: Ptr; { Client's storage Ptr 1 }
ataPBClientPtr2: Ptr; { Client's storage Ptr 2 }
ataPBState: UInt16; { Reserved for Manager; Initialize to 0 }
ataPBSemaphores: UInt16; { Used internally by the manager }
ataPBReserved4: SInt32; { Reserved }
{ End of cloned common header ataPBHdr }
Reserved1: ARRAY [0..3] OF UInt16; { Reserved. These are used internally by the Manager }
ataPBBuffer: Ptr; { Buffer for the identify data (512 bytes) }
Reserved2: ARRAY [0..11] OF UInt16; { Used internally by the ATA Manager }
Reserved3: ARRAY [0..5] OF SInt16; { Reserved for future expansion }
{ 'ataConfigSetting' field of the Get/Set Device Configuration definition <8/6/94> }
ATAPIpacketDRQ_bit = 6; { bit number of ATAPI command packet DRQ option }
ATAPIpacketDRQ = $40; { ATAPI command packet DRQ option }
{ atapcValid field definition }
bATApcAccessMode = 0;
bATApcVcc = 1;
bATApcVpp1 = 2;
bATApcVpp2 = 3;
bATApcStatus = 4;
bATApcPin = 5;
bATApcCopy = 6;
bATApcConfigIndex = 7;
bATApcLockUnlock = 15;
mATApcAccessMode = $01;
mATApcVcc = $02;
mATApcVpp1 = $04;
mATApcVpp2 = $08;
mATApcStatus = $10;
mATApcPin = $20;
mATApcCopy = $40;
mATApcConfigIndex = $80;
mATApcLockUnlock = $8000;
{ Device physical type & socket type indicator definition }
kATADeviceUnknown = $00; { no device or type undetermined }
kATADeviceATA = $01; { traditional ATA protocol device <7/29/94> }
kATADeviceATAPI = $02; { ATAPI protocol device <7/29/94> }
kATADevicePCMCIA = $03; { PCMCIA ATA device <7/29/94> }
kATASocketInternal = $01; { Internal ATA socket }
kATASocketMB = $02; { Media Bay socket }
kATASocketPCMCIA = $03; { PCMCIA socket }
kATAConfigReserved = 7; { number of reserved words at the end }
Get/Set Device Configuration parameter block structure <8/6/94>
Manager parameter block structure
ataDevConfigurationPtr = ^ataDevConfiguration;
ataDevConfiguration = RECORD
{ Start of cloned common header ataPBHdr }
ataPBLink: ataPBHeaderPtr; { a pointer to the next entry in the queue }
ataPBQType: UInt16; { type byte for safety check }
ataPBVers: SInt8; { -->: parameter block version number; Must be 0x01 }
ataPBReserved: SInt8; { Reserved }
ataPBReserved2: Ptr; { Reserved }
ataPBCallbackPtr: ProcPtr; { -->: Completion Routine Pointer }
ataPBResult: OSErr; { <--: Returned result }
ataPBFunctionCode: SInt8; { -->: Manager Function Code }
ataPBIOSpeed: SInt8; { -->: I/O Timing Class }
ataPBFlags: UInt16; { -->: Various control options }
ataPBReserved3: SInt16; { Reserved }
ataPBDeviceID: UInt32; { -->: Device identifier }
ataPBTimeOut: UInt32; { -->: Transaction timeout value in msec }
ataPBClientPtr1: Ptr; { Client's storage Ptr 1 }
ataPBClientPtr2: Ptr; { Client's storage Ptr 2 }
ataPBState: UInt16; { Reserved for Manager; Initialize to 0 }
ataPBSemaphores: UInt16; { Used internally by the manager }
ataPBReserved4: SInt32; { Reserved }
{ End of cloned common header ataPBHdr }
ataConfigSetting: SInt32; { <->: Configuration setting }
{ Bits 3 - 0: Reserved }
{ Bit 4: Reserved (allowLBAAccess) }
{ Bit 5: Reserved (allowRWMultiple) }
{ Bit 6: ATAPIpacketDRQ }
{ 1 = Check for Interrupt DRQ on ATAPI command packet DRQ }
{ 0 = Default: Check only for the assertion of command packet DRQ }
{ Bits 31 - 7: Reserved }
ataPIOSpeedMode: SInt8; { <->: Device access speed in PIO Mode }
Reserved3: SInt8; { Reserved to force word alignment }
atapcValid: UInt16; { <->: Set when pcXXX fields are valid (atapcAccessMode - atapcConfigIndex) }
{ bit 0 - atapcAccessMode field valid, when set }
{ bit 1 - atapcVcc field valid, when set }
{ bit 2 - atapcVpp1 field valid, when set }
{ bit 3 - atapcVpp2 field valid, when set }
{ bit 4 - atapcStatus field valid, when set }
{ bit 5 - atapcPin field valid, when set }
{ bit 6 - atapcCopy field valid, when set }
{ bit 7 - atapcConfigIndex field valid, when set }
{ bits 14-8 - Reserved }
{ bit 15 - device lock/unlock request (write only) }
ataRWMultipleCount: UInt16; { Reserved for future (not supported yet) }
ataSectorsPerCylinder: UInt16; { Reserved for future (not supported yet) }
ataHeads: UInt16; { Reserved for future (not supported yet) }
ataSectorsPerTrack: UInt16; { Reserved for future (not supported yet) }
ataSocketNumber: UInt16; { <--: Socket number used by the CardServices }
{ 0xFF = socket number invalid (Not a CardServices device) }
{ other = socket number of the device }
ataSocketType: SInt8; { <--: Specifies the socket type (get config only) }
{ 00 = Unknown socket }
{ 01 = Internal ATA bus }
{ 02 = Media Bay }
{ 03 = PCMCIA }
ataDeviceType: SInt8; { <--: Specifies the device type (get config only) }
{ 00 = Unknown device }
{ 01 = standard ATA device (HD) }
{ 02 = ATAPI device }
{ 03 = PCMCIA ATA device }
atapcAccessMode: SInt8; { <->: Access mode: Memory vs. I/O (PCMCIA only) }
atapcVcc: SInt8; { <->: Voltage in tenths of a volt (PCMCIA only) }
atapcVpp1: SInt8; { <->: Voltage in tenths of a volt (PCMCIA only) }
atapcVpp2: SInt8; { <->: Voltage in tenths of a volt (PCMCIA only) }
atapcStatus: SInt8; { <->: Card Status register setting (PCMCIA only) }
atapcPin: SInt8; { <->: Card Pin register setting (PCMCIA only) }
atapcCopy: SInt8; { <->: Card Socket/Copy register setting (PCMCIA only) }
atapcConfigIndex: SInt8; { <->: Card Option register setting (PCMCIA only) }
ataSingleDMASpeed: SInt8; { <->: Single Word DMA Timing Class }
ataMultiDMASpeed: SInt8; { <->: Multiple Word DMA Timing Class }
ataPIOCycleTime: UInt16; { <->:Cycle time for PIO mode }
ataMultiCycleTime: UInt16; { <->:Cycle time for Multiword DMA mode }
Reserved1: ARRAY [0..6] OF UInt16; { Reserved for future }
{ Get Card Location Icon/Text <SM4> }
kATALargeIconHFS = $0001; { Large B&W icon with mask (HFS) }
kATALargeIconProDOS = $0081; { Large B&W icon with mask (ProDOS) }
{ Manager parameter block structure }
ataLocationDataPtr = ^ataLocationData;
ataLocationData = RECORD
{ Start of cloned common header ataPBHdr }
ataPBLink: ataPBHeaderPtr; { a pointer to the next entry in the queue }
ataPBQType: UInt16; { type byte for safety check }
ataPBVers: SInt8; { -->: parameter block version number; Must be 0x01 }
ataPBReserved: SInt8; { Reserved }
ataPBReserved2: Ptr; { Reserved }
ataPBCallbackPtr: ProcPtr; { -->: Completion Routine Pointer }
ataPBResult: OSErr; { <--: Returned result }
ataPBFunctionCode: SInt8; { -->: Manager Function Code }
ataPBIOSpeed: SInt8; { -->: I/O Timing Class }
ataPBFlags: UInt16; { -->: Various control options }
ataPBReserved3: SInt16; { Reserved }
ataPBDeviceID: UInt32; { -->: Device identifier }
ataPBTimeOut: UInt32; { -->: Transaction timeout value in msec }
ataPBClientPtr1: Ptr; { Client's storage Ptr 1 }
ataPBClientPtr2: Ptr; { Client's storage Ptr 2 }
ataPBState: UInt16; { Reserved for Manager; Initialize to 0 }
ataPBSemaphores: UInt16; { Used internally by the manager }
ataPBReserved4: SInt32; { Reserved }
{ End of cloned common header ataPBHdr }
ataIconType: SInt16; { -->: icon type specifier }
{ 1 = Large B&W icon with mask (256 bytes) }
{ 0x81 = Same as 1, but ProDOS icon }
ataIconReserved: SInt16; { Reserved to be longword aligned }
ataLocationIconPtr: Ptr; { -->: Icon Data buffer pointer }
ataLocationStringPtr: Ptr; { -->: Icon String buffer pointer }
Reserved1: ARRAY [0..17] OF UInt16; { Reserved for future }
{ ataOSType available }
kATAddTypeMacOS = $0001; { Blue Mac O/S ddType value }
{ The parameter block definition for all other ATA Manager functions. }
ataGenericPtr = ^ataGeneric;
ataGeneric = RECORD
{ Start of cloned common header ataPBHdr }
ataPBLink: ataPBHeaderPtr; { a pointer to the next entry in the queue }
ataPBQType: UInt16; { type byte for safety check }
ataPBVers: SInt8; { -->: parameter block version number; Must be 0x01 }
ataPBReserved: SInt8; { Reserved }
ataPBReserved2: Ptr; { Reserved }
ataPBCallbackPtr: ProcPtr; { -->: Completion Routine Pointer }
ataPBResult: OSErr; { <--: Returned result }
ataPBFunctionCode: SInt8; { -->: Manager Function Code }
ataPBIOSpeed: SInt8; { -->: I/O Timing Class }
ataPBFlags: UInt16; { -->: Various control options }
ataPBReserved3: SInt16; { Reserved }
ataPBDeviceID: UInt32; { -->: Device identifier }
ataPBTimeOut: UInt32; { -->: Transaction timeout value in msec }
ataPBClientPtr1: Ptr; { Client's storage Ptr 1 }
ataPBClientPtr2: Ptr; { Client's storage Ptr 2 }
ataPBState: UInt16; { Reserved for Manager; Initialize to 0 }
ataPBSemaphores: UInt16; { Used internally by the manager }
ataPBReserved4: SInt32; { Reserved }
{ End of cloned common header ataPBHdr }
Reserved: ARRAY [0..23] OF UInt16; { Reserved for future }
ataPBPtr = ^ataPB;
0: (
ataIOParamBlock: ataIOPB; { parameter block for I/O }
1: (
ataBIParamBlock: ataBusInquiry; { parameter block for bus inquiry }
2: (
ataMIParamBlock: ataMgrInquiry; { parameter block for Manager inquiry }
3: (
ataAbortParamBlock: ataAbort; { parameter block for abort }
4: (
ataDRParamBlock: ataDrvrRegister; { parameter block for driver register }
5: (
ataMEParamBlock: ataModifyEventMask; { parameter block for event mask modify }
6: (
ataRAParamBlock: ataRegAccess; { parameter block for register access }
7: (
ataDIParamBlock: ataIdentify; { parameter block for drive identify }
8: (
ataDCParamBlock: ataDevConfiguration; { parameter block for device configuration }
9: (
ataLDParamBlock: ataLocationData; { parameter block for location icon data }
{ ataManagerInit ataInitParamBlock; // parameter block for Manager initialization }
{ ataManagerShutDn ataSDParamBlock; // parameter block for Manager shutdown }
{ ataDrvrLoad ataDLParamBlock; // parameter block for Driver loading }
10: (
ataGenericParamBlock: ataGeneric; { parameter block for all other functions }
{ The ATA Event codes... }
kATANullEvent = $00; { Just kidding -- nothing happened }
kATAOnlineEvent = $01; { An ATA device has come online }
kATAOfflineEvent = $02; { An ATA device has gone offline }
kATARemovedEvent = $03; { An ATA device has been removed from the bus }
kATAResetEvent = $04; { Someone gave a hard reset to the drive }
kATAOfflineRequest = $05; { Someone requesting to offline the drive }
kATAEjectRequest = $06; { Someone requesting to eject the drive }
kATAUpdateEvent = $07; { Potential configuration change reported by CardServices <SM4> }
{ The following describes bit definitions in the eventMask field of ataDrvrRegister }
bATANullEvent = $01; { null event bit }
bATAOnlineEvent = $02; { online event bit }
bATAOfflineEvent = $04; { offline event bit }
bATARemovedEvent = $08; { removed event bit }
bATAResetEvent = $10; { reset event bit }
bATAOfflineRequest = $20; { offline request event bit }
bATAEjectRequest = $40; { eject request event bit }
bATAUpdateEvent = $80; { configuration update event bit }
ATADispatchProcPtr = ProcPtr; { FUNCTION ATADispatch(VAR pb: ataPB): OSErr; }
ATADispatchUPP = UniversalProcPtr;
uppATADispatchProcInfo = $000000E0;
FUNCTION NewATADispatchProc(userRoutine: ATADispatchProcPtr): ATADispatchUPP;
FUNCTION CallATADispatchProc(VAR pb: ataPB; userRoutine: ATADispatchUPP): OSErr;
INLINE $205F, $4E90;
FUNCTION ataManager(VAR pb: ataPB): SInt16;
{ Device Error codes: 0xDB42 - 0xDB5F }
ATABaseErrCode = -9406; { Base error code - 0xDB42 }
ioPending = 1; { Asynch I/O in progress status }
AT_NRdyErr = -9405; { 0xDB43: Drive not Ready }
AT_IDNFErr = -9404; { 0xDB44: ID not found }
AT_DMarkErr = -9403; { 0xDB45: Data mark not found }
AT_BadBlkErr = -9402; { 0xDB46: Bad Block }
AT_CorDataErr = -9401; { 0xDB47: Data was corrected }
AT_UncDataErr = -9400; { 0xDB48: Data was not corrected }
AT_SeekErr = -9399; { 0xDB49: Seek error }
AT_WrFltErr = -9398; { 0xDB4A: Write fault }
AT_RecalErr = -9397; { 0xDB4B: Recalibrate failed }
AT_AbortErr = -9396; { 0xDB4C: Command aborted by drive }
AT_MCErr = -9394; { 0xDB4E: Media Changed error }
ATAPICheckErr = -9393; { 0xDB4F: ATAPI Check condition <06/15/94> }
{ System error codes...Custom Driver Error Codes 0xDB60 - 0xDB6F }
DRVRCantAllocate = -9376; { 0xDB60: Allocation error during initialization }
NoATAMgr = -9375; { 0xDB61: MgrInquiry failed => No ATA Manager }
ATAInitFail = -9374; { 0xDB62: Mgr Initialization failed }
ATABufFail = -9373; { 0xDB63: Device buffer test failure }
ATADevUnsupported = -9372; { 0xDB64: Device type not supported }
ATAEjectDrvErr = -9371; { 0xDB65: Could not eject the drive }
{ Manager Error Codes 0xDB70 - 0xDB8F }
ATAMgrNotInitialized = -9360; { 0xDB70: Mgr has not been initialized }
ATAPBInvalid = -9359; { 0xDB71: The bus base address couldn't be found }
ATAFuncNotSupported = -9358; { 0xDB72: An unknown function code specified }
ATABusy = -9357; { 0xDB73: Selected device is busy }
ATATransTimeOut = -9356; { 0xDB74: Transaction timeout detected }
ATAReqInProg = -9355; { 0xDB75: Channel busy; channel is processing another cmd }
ATAUnknownState = -9354; { 0xDB76: Device status register reflects an unknown state }
ATAQLocked = -9353; { 0xDB77: I/O Queue is locked due to previous I/O error. }
ATAReqAborted = -9352; { 0xDB78: The I/O queue entry was aborted due to an abort req. }
{ or due to Manager shutdown. }
ATAUnableToAbort = -9351; { 0xDB79: The I/O queue entry could not be aborted. }
ATAAbortedDueToRst = -9350; { 0xDB7A: Request aborted due to a device reset command. }
ATAPIPhaseErr = -9349; { 0xDB7B: Unexpected phase - ***IS THIS VALID ERROR??? <06/15/94> }
ATAPITxCntErr = -9348; { 0xDB7C: Overrun/Underrun condition detected }
ATANoClientErr = -9347; { 0xDB7D: No client present to handle the event }
ATAInternalErr = -9346; { 0xDB7E: MagnumOpus returned an error }
ATABusErr = -9345; { 0xDB7F: Bus error detected on I/O }
AT_NoAddrErr = -9344; { 0xDB80: Invalid AT base adress }
DriverLocked = -9343; { 0xDB81: Current driver must be removed before adding another }
CantHandleEvent = -9342; { 0xDB82: Particular event couldn't be handled (call others) }
ATAMgrMemoryErr = -9341; { 0xDB83: Manager memory allocation error }
ATASDFailErr = -9340; { 0xDB84: Shutdown failure }
ATAXferParamErr = -9339; { 0xDB85: I/O xfer parameters inconsistent }
ATAXferModeErr = -9338; { 0xDB86: I/O xfer mode not supported }
ATAMgrConsistencyErr = -9337; { 0XDB87: Manager detected internal inconsistency. }
ATADmaXferErr = -9336; { 0XDB88: fatal error in DMA side of transfer }
{ Driver loader error Codes 0xDB90 - 0xDBA5 }
ATAInvalidDrvNum = -9328; { 0xDB90: Invalid drive number from event }
ATAMemoryErr = -9327; { 0xDB91: Memory allocation error }
ATANoDDMErr = -9326; { 0xDB92: No DDM found on media }
ATANoDriverErr = -9325; { 0xDB93: No driver found on the media }
{ ------------------------ Version 1 definition ------------------------------- }
v1ATABaseErrCode = $0700; { This needs a home somewhere }
v1AT_NRdyErr = $FFFFF901; { 0xF901: -0x1DBE }
v1AT_IDNFErr = $FFFFF904; { 0xF904: -0x1DC0 }
v1AT_DMarkErr = $FFFFF905; { 0xF905: -0x1DC0 }
v1AT_BadBlkErr = $FFFFF906; { 0xF906: -0x1DC0 }
v1AT_CorDataErr = $FFFFF907; { 0xF907: -0x1DC0 }
v1AT_UncDataErr = $FFFFF908; { 0xF908: -0x1DC0 }
v1AT_SeekErr = $FFFFF909; { 0xF909: -0x1DC0 }
v1AT_WrFltErr = $FFFFF90A; { 0xF90A: -0x1DC0 }
v1AT_RecalErr = $FFFFF90B; { 0xF90B: -0x1DC0 }
v1AT_AbortErr = $FFFFF90C; { 0xF90C: -0x1DC0 }
v1AT_NoAddrErr = $FFFFF90D; { 0xF90D: -0x1D8D }
v1AT_MCErr = $FFFFF90E; { 0xF90E: -0x1DC0 }
{ System error codes...Custom Driver Error Codes }
v1DRVRCantAllocate = -1793; { 0xF8FF: -0x1D9F }
v1NoATAMgr = -1794; { 0xF8FE: -0x1D9D }
v1ATAInitFail = -1795; { 0xF8FD: -0x1D9B }
v1ATABufFail = -1796; { 0xF8FC: -0x1D99 }
v1ATADevUnsupported = -1797; { 0xF8FB: -0x1c97 }
{ Manager Error Codes }
v1ATAMgrNotInitialized = -1802; { 0xF8F6: -0x1D86 }
v1ATAPBInvalid = -1803; { 0xF8F5: -0x1D84 }
v1ATAFuncNotSupported = -1804; { 0xF8F4: -0x1D82 }
v1ATABusy = -1805; { 0xF8F3: -0x1D80 }
v1ATATransTimeOut = -1806; { 0xF8F2: -0x1D7E }
v1ATAReqInProg = -1807; { 0xF8F1: -0x1D7C }
v1ATAUnknownState = -1808; { 0xF8F0: -0x1D7A }
v1ATAQLocked = -1809; { 0xF8EF: -0x1D78 }
v1ATAReqAborted = -1810; { 0xF8EE: -0x1D76 }
v1ATAUnableToAbort = -1811; { 0xF8ED: -0x1D74 }
v1ATAAbortedDueToRst = -1812; { 0xF8EC: -0x1D72 }
{$SETC UsingIncludes := ATAIncludes}
{$ENDC} {__ATA__}
{$IFC NOT UsingIncludes}